My doctor tells me that half of his patients use natural remedies on the Multiple Sclerosis. That does not mean that they do not also use conventional medicine: it just means that they also use Natural Remedies.
Personally, I have found Natural remedies to be extremely usefull.
L-CARNITINE. It all started when my doctor told me that Acetyl L-Carnitine was being used for sleep disruption in patients with MS, and that the results had been so good that they had terminated the test early so that ALL of the patients could go on it! So, I set out to find some for myself.
I did not find what I was looking for at that time but I DID find L-Carnitine, and I started taking 3 pills a day. After 36 hours I started feeling better but sometimes that is the nature of MS: I first feel better and then I feel worse. It might have been a fluke. So, I stopped taking the L-Carnitine and when I started feeling better I went back on it. AGAIN, after 36 hours I started feeling better! It appeared that it was taking away the grinding fatigue that was making it so hard for me to function!
I was sold on Natural Remedies from that moment on. And, with my own body to test them on, I could very quickly find out what worked by testing it on myself. I could be my own guinea pig. And, one of the FIRST things that I discovered was that L-Carnitine worked better than Acetyl L-Carnitine. Not that I minded, of course! I was feeling better and the future was looking brighter!
By trial and error, I discovered that 3 pills a day (1500 mg) was optimum, though I needed to take food with it to prevent indigestion.
More information on L-carnitine and Acetyl L-Carnitine from Web MD:
Surely, if L-Carnitine was so helpfull, other Natural Remedies would work as well? I decided to research other remedies, and try them out on myself. I went through pretty much a boxfull of different items, but I DID find a couple of others that worked!
TURMERIC is a Natural Remedy that is used on Rhumetoid Arthritis, which is a different auto-immune disease. I decided that the logical thing to do was to try it out on my own MS, which is ALSO an auto-immune disease.
To myvery great pleasure, I started regaining feeling in areas that had gone rather numb due to the MS. So, I stopped taking it as a second test, and in a matter of a couple of days the numbness started creeping back. When I went back on the turmeric the numbness started to dissapear again. SCORE!
Turmeric was very easy to find, as it is used in making pickles. I bought it in the spice aisle at the grocery store, and I filled empty plastic capsules that I bought from from Wonder labs to make it easy to swallow.
CUMIN was the third Natural Remedy that I discovered. Cumin is the spice that makes chili taste like, well, like CHILI!
Like turmeric, the cumin resulted in less numbness and more feeling. Like L-carnitine, I needed to take cumin with food to prevent irritation! I also filled the capsules from Wonder Labs to make the cumin easier to take: I have never wished to eat spices straight!
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