Sunday, March 18, 2012

I might have overdone it.

I worked a little on the floor, took my youngest to town after he worked ont eh floor and stacked some wood, and then DD and i worked outside for probably 45 minutes. I felt fine.

THEN, I took a long, relaxing bath to clean up and soak the grime from under my nails., I am relaxed, all right: I am so relaxed I need my cane to walk inside the house, instead of just needing it when I walk on the grass. I hate it when my body flat out quits like this, but once in a while I do too much and it does.

If it was just me I would open a can of something for my dinner. I am a little bit of a prepper, and on days like this it sure comes in handy! There is canned meat and canned stew. But, it is Sunday and I feel like something a little more fancy than canned meat over rice.

I asked my daughter if she would like to run errands and be paid for it, and so I have sent her off to the store and she will pick up DS while she is at it. I will have the family cook, because when my body stops like this it takes several hours to recharge it.

If it were not for the kids I would not dare to do so much or push myself so hard.


  1. I hear ya! Hope today finds you more yourself.

    Isn't is satisfying to know that your food storage has you covered at times like this. Whether you use it or you don't it still makes life better just knowing it's there. I haven't forgotten your tip on canned meat and will have my eyes peeled for it when I do my next shopping trip.

    Keep well, friend.

  2. Food storage is WNDERFULL when I have a sick day!!!!!!!

    It is also a stress releaser when Congress is pulling its antics. Every time they do something stupid I check over my pantry and restock it. Then I feel MUCH better, LOL!

    Congress is behaving better, lately: I know because I haven't made a pantry run in 6 months time.

    I did shop a few sales, though: Our favorite spagetti sauce is Ragu, and for every 2 bottles you got a free pound of pasta. So I bought a couple of dozen jars. And, last week HyVee had vegetables on sale for 33 cents a can: I need to find a place to stash 30-odd cans because I still have extra Ragu!

    Sue, your pantry is very lovely: perhaps once the kids are on their own I will be able to be as organized! Right now there is not enough room!
