Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Dr. Wahls' MS diet.

I hab been on it for about a week.

Starting on day 2 I felt better, but now I am not. I did some thinking about the differences in diet, and there are a few. For one thing, we are supposed to eat liver weekly and seaweed weekly, and I started out eating that aswell as a can of spinach,  and then I stopped for a week.That is what the diet said to do.

I might need to eat it more often than that. So, today I ate some seaweed,and also a can of spinach. The seaweed is strips of dried nori, which is meant to make sushi with I just tear off a piece, tear it into bits, and swallow it.

The Wahl diet is almost the same as the Caveman diet, with an exception or two. The reason that MS cripples is because the fatty myelin covering over the nerves is destroyed. Dr. Wahls' diet calls for the consumption of a lot of nutrients that are used to build myelin. To build myelin we consume vitamins B1, B9, B12, Omega 3 fatty acids, and Iodine. Much of this we are to get from the food that we eat.  To increase activity across the synapses (and give us more energy) we are to eat more sulfer and B6.

My short-lived improvement is enccouraging: I will tweek my diet some more. She said to eat seaweed and organ meats weekly, and I ate them on day 1 of the diet. I might eat them more often than that: it is possible that they did me a lot of good..

I do not have all of the info nailed down yet, but we are to eat a lot of dark colored vegetables as well as vegetables for the cabbage family. So, I make a large mixing bowl full of, basically, coleslaw and I eat it at every meal. She recommends large amounts of red cabbage, kale (a type of dark green cabbage), carrots, and so forth. With a little vinegar it does taste a lot like cole slaw, though,I need to brush my teeth AFTER breakfast instead of before it because vinegar after sweet toothpaste is not too pleasant!


  1. I had a friend who was diagnosed with MS. After six months, it turned out it was artificial sweetener in Coke that caused MS-like symptoms.

  2. I've been learning to eat the Dr. Wahls diet too. I've been trying to follow it for a few months. I find the learning curve has been really gradual for me. I was eating raw vegan and adding meat to my diet took some mental rethinking; even if it does only call for 4 oz a day.

    I love meat, but was led to believe by the raw movement that it wasn't necessary was even detremental to health. I don't believe that any more, but I'm glad that 4oz a day is enough :-)

    I live on the Atlantic Ocean. 'The Atlantic Ocean's Playground' is the by-line on our license plates. I learned to eat seaweed growing up. Our edible seaweed is called dulse. Please, email me your address HH and I'll send you a bag to try. I eat a few leaves every morning while I'm preparing breakfast. (This is something you'll want to eat BEFORE you brush too. lol)

  3. Yes, I heard that about the sweetener.

    I have found that if I dilute my ice tea with twice the amount of water, that I do not miss the sweetener very much. I have not IMPROVED when I cut it out, but I do not miss it! So, now diet coke is a bit of a treat when I eat out instead of a daily drink. My usual drink is now unsweetened ice tea.

  4. Oh, yes. I am feeling a bit better on my daily liver and daily seaweed. And, on Dr. Wahls' blog, they say that in her new book (not yet published) that she recommends eating liver more often than weekly. So, it was not a fluke that i felt better after eating the liver, but worse 4 days out! So, i have a plate of fried liver in the fridge, and every morning I eat a few bites.
