It has been about 7 months since I posted last.
The garden is actually doing reasonably well, when you take into account the many late frosts and the chemotherapy. I am putting some carpet scraps to excellent use, as I can smother out any grass that grew through the weed barrier. Of course, it does look tacky! The brown against the black weed barrier does not look BAD exactly, but it does not look good either. I also used the carpet scraps to protect the seedlings with fair results: I did have to replant several times! Our last average frost date is about April 7th, and we got 2 major blizzards in May!
I do have one row that I hand weed: I have some very good bush beans in that row, and 4 tomato plants. I am well content. We have picked and eaten perhaps 2 gallons of green beans.
I fell behind on spraying for cabbage worms, and my lovely kale has been shredded! So I have sprayed again, and the new leaves should be good. I use an organic insecticide soap, and it actually does pretty well when I use it!
The chickens are laying well. I hope that my elderly banty gets broody, as I would dearly love to have chicks.
By for now.
Hello! I thought you may have given up on blogging. It is no word of a lie that I've been thinking of these past days. And here you are! Your garden sounds good. And chickens doing fine. I will put the word to the universe that you need a broody hen. :-)
ReplyDeleteHow lovely to hear from you!
ReplyDeleteIt is hard to write when one is not enthusiastic, and, well, I HAVEN'T been! I don't know why: the hens have been laying and my oldest has been working and my youngest has been helping me around the house.... things have not been at ALL bad!
Though I still have a stack of paperwork to do. I hate paperwork. You begin with a stack of papers and you end UP with a stack of papers,and very little has changed! I like to *SEE* the results of my work!! LOL!!!!!!!