We have owned him for just about 15 years, and we got him as an adult.
He has been my husbands good buddy: the cat actually LIKED! to rough house with my husband! They would tussel every night. He was a fierce little cat: the neighborhood dogs were all afraid of him. He was very good at catching mice, but the golphers in the lawn usually eluded hims
Ah, well.
The cat has been on pills of one sort or another for over a year, and now we have switched to comfort measures. The kids are upset: they each have a strong young pet of their very own but they do not remember before the old cat came into their lives.
The pain pills are working for now, though I am giving them in a higher dose than is correct. He is tolerating the dose well, but even if they sedated him I would give them. Nothing will make him live forever, but I can at least ease his pain.
He has been a very good cat.
I'm back to blog reading! I know you of anybody would understand my absence these last few months :-)
ReplyDeleteSo sorry to hear about your kitty. It's never easy to see a family pet suffer. I bet he was a good mouser in his day though! Take care.
Thank you your kind words!
ReplyDeleteHe eventually stopped eating, and so we made an appointment and had him put down. The vet confirmed what we already knew: he had cancer in his mouth. Poor old fellow.
Still, once he came to our house he had a wonderfull life with a home to live in, a field up the street so mice were plentifull and easy to catch, other pets he bossed around, and humans when he felt sociable. In cat terms, how close to heaven can you GET?