Sunday, January 8, 2012

I spent the week stripping the table.

I stripped it and I stripped it and I stripped it, but the stuff was caught in the grain and it would not come out.

I used the wash that they sell to remove any stripping residue: Nope. The sandpaper wasn't useful either!

The kitchen scrubbie DID help, but it means that I must go over every inch with a scrubbie. The one that works is a sponge with one rough side. I scrub, wipe, rinse the scrubbie. Then I go on the the next small area.

Know what? I WILL be stiff tomorrow!!!!!!

On the GOOD side, the kids and I got the brush in the back yard burned! Some limbs came down last summer during a storm, and there was a burn ban on. The limbs got cut up for firewood but that left a LOT! of twigs!

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