I have finished the table. Check.
I need to have the leaky dishwasher looked at and the kitchen floor replaced: The linoleum is cracked and broken. It should have been done a long time ago, but there were so MANY family emergencies that there was no Time to look into it! And, even though I felt badly about the appearance of my house I firmly told myself PEOPLE FIRST!
But now, please God, I hope to put my OWN house in order!!!
Between visits from the workmen, I intend to take a kitchen drawer in to Home Depot and match the stain. I can then scrub the kitchen cupboards and touch up the stain. DH wanted to replace them but we have one kid in college now, another to go into college in a year or two, and we are presently in debt. The debt comes because the car broke, the house broke, the car broke again, and the house broke again.... Life happens! To make things more amusing, both of our car windshields are badly cracked and I must get that taken care of again. I wonder if the insurance will help?????
I should call them.
First, though, I have a birthday this weekend that I will tend to! I will take the day off, actually! I am going to have DH cook ribs on the grill and open a can of baked beans. I am going to research a particularly fine nursery catalogue that I got in the mail yesterday: a couple of things interest me and so I will check the varieties out on-line. Since the power company is taking my apple trees I need to buy a couple more. Since the kids are almost grown I think that I will choose a dwarf tree or two that has 4 varieties grafted into it. It might yield less than my 9 individual trees, but the kids might be gone in a year or so, and then I will not need as many apples.
After 2 decades of trying to grow-more-more-more, for kids and for selling at the farmers market, I am now streamlining things down to the essentials for the two of us. The kids will elave and I no longer have the energy to sell at the Farmer's Market. This acre, which had looked rather SMALL for the last couple of years, is now looking much, MUCH larger!
I still want a milk cow, though, and I cannot have one. We are not zoned for cattle. Rats!
To compensate, perhaps I should bring a bee hive from the 5 acres we own outside of town: THAT I am allowed! I also considered a pen of pigeons- so bright and lovely- but I would not want to eat them, and so I would get no benefit from them. Instead, I just admire the pigeons while I am in town!
Well, it is time to put on my Mother hat: I need to shop for food, check the Emails, and do the sort of things that every parent does!
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